Motion of solitons in one-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates

Lin Wen*, Qingsun Sun, Yu Chen, Deng Shan Wang, J. Hu, H. Chen, W. M. Liu, G. Juzeliunas, Boris A. Malomed, An Chun Ji

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59 Scopus citations


Solitons play a fundamental role in the dynamics of nonlinear excitations. Here we explore the motion of solitons in one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates subjected to a spin-orbit coupling (SOC). We demonstrate that the spin dynamics of solitons is governed by a nonlinear Bloch equation. The spin dynamics affects the orbital motion of solitons leading to spin-orbit effects in the dynamics of macroscopic quantum objects (mean-field solitons). The latter perform oscillations with a frequency determined by the SOC, Raman coupling, and intrinsic nonlinearity. These findings reveal unique features of solitons affected by the SOC, which are confirmed by analytical considerations and numerical simulations of the underlying Gross-Pitaevskii equations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number061602
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number6
StatePublished - 8 Dec 2016


FundersFunder number
National Science Foundation
Chongqing Research Program of Basic Research and Frontier Technologycstc2015jcyjA50024
National Natural Science Foundation of China11474205, 11504037, 11404225
Lithuanian Research CouncilMIP-086/2015
United States-Israel Binational Science FoundationU.S.-Israel
Foundation of Education Committees of ChongqingKJ1500311
Directorate for Biological Sciences2015616


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