"Medicine on the Intenet"-- model course for physicians in the use of the Internet

A. Leibovitz*, S. Balan, B. Habot

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1 Scopus citations


The Internet is efficient in coping with the ever-increasing volume of medical knowledge. This and other functions have lead to its integration into daily medical practice. It is therefore imperative to disseminate its use among physicians, as some, unfamiliar with the personal computer (PC), may be reluctant to learn to use it. We therefore developed a course for training physicians in the basics of Internet use, consisting of 6 sessions of 2 hours each. It includes training in PC operation as well as in the main Internet functions. The topics are medicine-oriented, including Medline search, general info search, exploring medical sites and reading medical journals on-line. 41 physicians (8 groups of 4-6 each) with various specialties attended, of whom 38 completed a feedback questionnaire 4 weeks later. 79% reported using the Internet either at home or at their working place. The function used mostly was Medline Search (68%). Although 83% had not been familiar with the PC before, 96% stated that the course was clear and understandable and 99% expressed satisfaction with the quality of the teaching. Based on these results we recommend this course as a model for teaching physicians the use of the Internet.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-3, 88
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2 Jan 2000
Externally publishedYes


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