Management of term newborns following maternal intrapartum fever

Nehama Linder, Elena Fridman, Ayman Makhoul, Daniel Lubin, Gil Klinger, Tami Laron-Kenet, Yariv Yogev*, Nir Melamed

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13 Scopus citations


Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to full term neonates born to mothers with intrapartum fever. Methods: In a retrospective study, neonates born to mothers with intrapartum fever, (≥37.8°C), were compared to control group matched by gestational age and birthweight. Results: Overall, 159 singleton full term neonates born to women with intrapartum fever (study group) were compared to 159 control infants. No differences in neonatal outcomes were found between the two groups except for a higher rate of meconium-stained amniotic fluid in the maternal-fever group. There were no cases of neonatal infection, severe neonatal morbidity, or neonatal mortality in either of the groups. Full sepsis workup and intravenous antibiotic treatment were provided to 17.6% of the neonates in the study group. Logistic regression analysis revealed that delivery by Cesarean section was the only factor independently associated with the decision to perform a full sepsis work up and antibiotic treatment in cases of maternal intrapartum fever (OR 32.0, 95% CI 9.4-112.1). Conclusions: In low-risk women with asymptomatic intrapartum fever, neonatal infection is uncommon, so that aggressive evaluation and management of these infants may not be necessary and should be balanced against the low risk of neonatal sepsis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)207-210
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 2013


  • Cesarean section
  • Intrapartum fever
  • Sepsis


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