Magnetic alignment and quadrupolar/paramagnetic cross-correlation in complexes of Na with LnDOTP 5-

Uzi Eliav, S. Chandra Shekar, Wen Ling, Gil Navon, Alexej Jerschow*

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4 Scopus citations


The observation of a double-quantum filtered signal of quadrupolar nuclei (e.g. 23Na) in solution has been traditionally interpreted as a sign for anisotropic reorientational motion. Ling and Jerschow (2007) [23] have found that a 23Na double-quantum signal is observed also in solutions of TmDOTPNa 5. Interference effects between the quadrupolar and the paramagnetic interactions have been reported to lead to the appearance of double-quantum coherences even in the absence of a residual quadrupolar interaction. In addition, such processes lead to differential linebroadening effects between the satellite transitions, akin to effects that are well known for dipolar-CSA cross-correlation. Here, we report experiments on sodium in the presence of LnDOTP compounds, where it is shown that these cross-correlation effects correlate well with the pseudo-contact shift. In addition, anisotropic g-values of the lanthanide compounds in question, can also lead to alignment within the magnetic field, and consequently to the appearance of line splitting and double-quantum coherences. The two competing effects are demonstrated and it is concluded that both cross-correlated relaxation and alignment in the magnetic field must be at work in the systems described here.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)114-120
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Magnetic Resonance
StatePublished - Mar 2012


FundersFunder number
US National Science FoundationCHE 0957586
US-Israel Binational Science Foundation2007157


    • Alignment of lanthanide complexes
    • Cross-correlated relaxation
    • LnDOTP
    • Mulitple-quantum coherences
    • Na lanthanide shift reagents
    • Paramagnetic interaction
    • Pseudocontact shifts
    • Quadrupolar coupling


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