Lyt-2+ suppressor T cells are resistant to anti-Lyt-2 antibody blocking

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Lyt-2 molecules play a role in antigen recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). In an attempt to determine whether Lyt-2 molecules play a similar role in suppressor T cell (Ts) functions, the effect of anti-Lyt-2 antibodies on Ts generation and effector activity was studied. Allospecific Ts were induced in allogeneic mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC). Anti-Lyt-2 antibodies added to MLC in the absence of complement abolished CTL generation, but had no effect on concomitant induction of Ts. In a different experimental system, allospecific Ts were induced in cultures treated with pyrilamine, which blocks generation of CTL but allows differentiation of Ts. The addition of anti-Lyt-2 antibodies to pyrilamine-treated MLC resulted in unaffected induction of Ts. It was further demonstrated that the effector activity of Ts was as resistant to anti-Lyt-2 antibodies as their induction, in contrast to the cytolytic activity of CTL, which was inhibited by the same antibodies. Ts in the present experimental system were Lyt-2+ antigen-specific cells. It therefore appears that Lyt-2 molecules, although expressed on both CTL and Ts, are involved in CTL activity, but do not play an essential role in Ts function.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2205-2208
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Immunology
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1985


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