Life cycle of Rhopilema nomadica: a new immigrant scyphomedusan in the Mediterranean

A. Lotan*, R. Ben-Hillel, Y. Loya

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68 Scopus citations


Rhopilema nomadica is an Indopacific scyphomedusan, which has migrated into the eastern Mediterranean in recent years. Large aggregations of the medusae were recorded in Haifa Bay, Israel, reaching 5.5×105 medusae per square nautical mile during summer 1989. The life cycle of R. nomadica from planula to young medusa is described. Fertilization is external and planulae are formed within a few hours at 20°C. After settlement, polyps were fed with Artemia sp. nauplii and developed into polydisc strobilae within 45 d. The strobilation process was completed within 7 d, and the liberated ephyrae developed into young medusae within 2 mo. Asexual reproduction occurred mainly via podocyst formation. The population explosion of R. nomadica could be attributed to its high reproductive potential.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)237-242
Number of pages6
JournalMarine Biology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jun 1992


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