Level of training of nursing staff and the autonomy given to psychiatric inpatients: A multicenter study

Vadim Leibovich, Yacov Keilikhis, Aliza Barzilay, Dorit Cohen, Gal Shoval, Lior Schapir, Anet Libman, Ronit Shemesh Kigli, Ilana Marcus, Avraham Weizman, Joav Merrick, Gil Zalsman*

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1 Scopus citations


This research examines the influence of the level of professional training of the caretaking staff in psychiatric wards, the type of wards in which a patient is treated and the patient's age compared with the level of limitation put on patient autonomy. Detailed questionnaires were administered to 296 nurses from five mental health centers who met inclusion criteria for the study. The level of autonomy restriction was measured using six representative cases from fieldwork of the interviewees. These cases were analyzed by the authors based on Collopy's theory, by categorizing the data according to the six polarities of autonomy presented in his work. Our findings suggest a positive correlation between the level of professional training of the nursing staff, patient's age and the level of autonomy given. Our findings did not show a significant relationship between the type of ward and level of autonomy, although there could be a tendency for higher autonomy within closed wards.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)45-50
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2011


  • Autonomy
  • Education
  • Inpatient
  • Nursing
  • Psychiatry
  • Training


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