Leaked expressions captured with wearable high-resolution facial electromyography

Omer Granoviter*, Moran Cerf, Yael Hanein

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Leaked expressions are expressions that are subtle micro-expressions, which are hard to detect. They may reflect a person's attempt to mask an expression (i.e., when interrogated), hide a feeling (i.e., in the context of dating or interpersonal dynamics), or simply an attempt to neutralize an emotion (i.e., as a method for regulation). The ability to detect these using biometric devices could surpass that of computer vision tools or human coders. In our investigation we demonstrated the ability to record highly localized and subtle leaked expressions using a new surface Electromyography (EMG) approach. The new method we present here may contribute in various domains ranging from generating reliable micro-expression datasets, enabling further research into the physiology of micro-expressions and possibly the development of better lie detectors.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBiometrics and Neuroscience Research in Business and Management
Subtitle of host publicationAdvances and Applications
Publisherde Gruyter
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9783110708509
ISBN (Print)9783110708431
StatePublished - 17 Jun 2024


  • Deception detection
  • Emotion detection
  • Facial coding
  • Leaked expression
  • Micro-expression
  • Surface EMG


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