Laparoscopic management of Lap-Band® erosion

S. Abu-Abeid, A. Szold*

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56 Scopus citations


Background: Laparoscopic adjustable silicone gastric banding (LASGB) is the bariatric operation of choice in our institution for most morbidly obese patients. The advantage of LASGB is a minimally invasive procedure, with low systemic and operative complication rates. However this procedure is not free from significant postoperative problems that may arise at a later stage. Patients and Methods: 950 patients underwent LASGB between November 1996 and May 2000, with a median follow-up of 21 months. 3 patients (0.31%), developed band erosion 6 to 8 months following the original procedure. Laparoscopic band removal was attempted in all 3 patients. The charts of all patients were reviewed for the postoperative course of the original operation as well as the removal of the band. Results: 2 patients presented with abscess formation at the port site, and I patient suffered from a gastric fistula at the port site 6 months following surgery. In all patients the immediate postoperative course was not smooth; 2 patients developed a sub-phrenic collection drained percutaneously, and one patient had fever, treated empirically with intravenous antibiotics. In all 3 patients, no leak was demonstrated by CT and barium meal. The diagnosis of band erosion was confirmed by gastroscopy, which demonstrated part of the band eroding through the gastric wall. All patients were operated laparoscopically. The band was removed and the gastric wall was sutured. The postoperative course was uneventful and patients left the hospital within 3 days. Conclusion: LapBand erosion following LASGB is very rare and may occur months following the operation. The postoperative course suggests that the erosion is the consequence of a minute stomach wall injury during the primary operation. Diagnosis is essential and the treatment of choice is laparoscopic band removal with suturing of the stomach wall. It is possible that a minute injury to the gastric wall during the initial procedure is the underlying cause of this complication.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)87-89
Number of pages3
JournalObesity Surgery
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2001
Externally publishedYes


  • Adjustable gastric banding
  • Band erosion
  • Bariatric surgery
  • Laparoscopic treatment
  • Morbid obesity


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