Is Regular Backup Enough?

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Most businesses secure their information infrastructure by regularly backing it up onto tape. Some have gone further, enhancing their backup strategy with expensive disk arrays and mirroring. Regular backup tools might prove insufficient in securing data. Data integrity may not be fully maintained as some modified or added information might be lost. Relying on traditional backups may cost productivity and profitability along with downtime. The article focuses on various backup strategies to solve the problem. Snapshot-based backup provide higher data availability and faster data recovery from data corruption. Another option continuous backup also provide high data integrity and recovery.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Specialist publicationComputer Technology Review
PublisherWest World Productions
StatePublished - 1 Feb 2004


  • Computer storage devices
  • Back up systems
  • Data protection
  • Information storage & retrieval systems
  • Computer networks
  • System downtime


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