Investigation of the 2-D modal coupling of a Laguerre Gaussian beam through the dynamic air–water interface

Haoqian Song*, Runzhou Zhang, Huibin Zhou, Kaiheng Zou, Nanzhe Hu, Xinzhou Su, Hao Song, Kai Pang, Yuxiang Duan, Daeyoung Park, Brittany Lynn, Greg Gbur, Aristide Dogariu, Richard J. Watkins, Jerome K. Miller, Eric Johnson, Moshe Tur, Alan E. Willner

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When a Laguerre Gaussian (LG) beam propagates through the dynamic air–water interface, the aerosol above the water and the water surface curvature could induce various degradations, resulting in modal power coupling. Such degradations include (i) beam distortion, which affects the spatial amplitude and phase of the beam, and (ii) beam wandering, which induces misalignment between the receiver and the beam. Our results for a transmitted LG11 beam show that: (i) with the increase of the sine-shape water curvature frequency from 4 to 8 Hz, the modal coupling to adjacent modes increases from ∼−11 to ∼−7 dB; (ii) with the increase of aerosol attenuation from 1–2 to 3–5 dB, the modal coupling increases from ∼−12 to ∼−8 dB; (iii) the combination of curvature and aerosol effect could induce stronger modal coupling compared to the single-effect cases. Furthermore, we study the contributions of beam distortion and beam wandering to modal coupling. We find that: (i) there is ∼−8 dB modal coupling from LG11 to adjacent modes under the simulated beam-wandering-only case (the beam wandering corresponds to the one under 8 Hz curvature); (ii) the higher modal coupling for the experimental result under the 8 Hz curvature (∼−7 dB) might be due to beam distortion. Additionally, we demonstrate a 1-Gbit/s on-off-keying (OOK) link carried by a single LG11 beam under aerosol and curvature effects.

Original languageEnglish
Article number129689
JournalOptics Communications
StatePublished - 15 Oct 2023


FundersFunder number
Airbus Institute for Engineering Research
Defense Security Cooperation Agency4441006051
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific N6600120C4704
Naval Information Warfare Center PacificN6600120C4704
Qualcomm Innovation
Office of Naval ResearchN00014-20-1-2558
Office of Naval Research
Air Force Office of Scientific ResearchFA9453-20-2-0001
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Astrophysics Science DivisionN00014-16-1-2813
Astrophysics Science Division
Defense Security Cooperation Agency4441006051
Defense Security Cooperation Agency


    • Aerosol
    • Optical vortices
    • Water curvature


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