Investigation of changes in dem, constructed from time to time data from the seabed

Anzhelika Kamza, Eugene Levin, Irina Kuznetcova, Ainur Yerzhankyzy, Elmira Orynbassarova

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

2 Scopus citations


The study of seabed relief is part of operations by development of the mineral deposits, which are in the territory of water objects. All of them are required at the stage of industrial planning, construction and exploration, definition of geo-hazard, for the monitoring activity and also required to repel potential threats, including natural ones, etc. The uniqueness of the ecosystem and bioresources of the Caspian Sea against the backdrop of unfolding offshore oil production, sharply raises the issue of monitoring and forecasting water level fluctuations. Annual bathymetric studies in the territory of the sites allow the analysis of changes in the shape of the seabed relief.The digital model of relief, which is used in geology, geomorphology, cartography and many other application-oriented directions, is result of such operations. Article questions of creation DEM of a bottom, types and methods of obtaining bathymetric data are considered. Under the digital model of the topography (DEM) of the bottom is understood the organized structure of files containing vector representations of spatial objects of different types, attributive information about them and topological relationships between them. The comparative analysis of creation of DEM with different cell sizes and interpolation types of a digital grids is presented. Recommendations are given on the choice of DEM depending on the targeted use of the resulting data.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMicro and Nano Technologies, Space Technologies and Planetary Science
PublisherInternational Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)9786197408355
StatePublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes
Event18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, SGEM 2018 - Albena, Bulgaria
Duration: 2 Jul 20188 Jul 2018

Publication series

NameInternational Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM
ISSN (Print)1314-2704


Conference18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, SGEM 2018


  • ArcGIS
  • Bathymetry
  • DEM
  • Interpolation
  • Marine geodesy


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