Intuitive rules in science and mathematics: The case of ‘more of a — more of b’

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In the last twenty years researchers have studied students’ mathematical and scientific conceptions and reasoning. Most of this research is content-specific. It has been found that students often hold ideas that are not in line with accepted scientific notions. In our joint work in mathematics and science education it became apparent that many of these alternative conceptions hail from the same intuitive rules. We have so far identified two such rules: ‘The more of A, the more of B’ and, ‘Everything can be divided by two’. The first rule is reflected in students’ responses to many tasks, including all classical Piagetian conservation tasks (conservation of number, area, weight, volume, matter, etc.), in all tasks related to intensive quantities (density, temperature, concentration, etc.), and in tasks related to infinite quantities. The second rule is observed in responses related to successive division of material and geometrical objects, and in successive dilution tasks. In this paper we describe and discuss the first rule and its relevance to science and mathematics education. In a second paper (Tirosh and Stavy, in press) we shall describe and discuss the second rule.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)653-667
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Science Education
Issue number6
StatePublished - Sep 1996


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