Intraocular pressure curves of untreated glaucoma suspects and glaucoma patients in sitting and lateral decubitus positions using the goldmann applanation tonometer

Ilia Piven*, Yoseph Glovinsky

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9 Scopus citations


Results: In the right eye (RE) mean peak IOP was 22.19±4.68mm Hg. In the left eye (LE) peak mean IOP was 22.19±3.8mm Hg. In 91.5% of the eyes, the IOP increased in the lateral decubitus position. The average change in the RE was an increment of 4.22±2.67mm Hg (P<0.001) and in the LE an increment of 3.51±3.11 (P<0.001). This increment was significantly higher in the dependent eye (ie, lower eye) (P=0.049). Sixty-seven percent of eyes had a positional elevation of IOP between 2 and 5mm Hg and 23.2% of eyes had IOP elevation between 6 and 12mm Hg. In the great majority of the eyes (80.5% RE and 78% LE) the lateral decubitus IOP was greater than maximal diurnal sitting IOP.

Conclusions: The IOP in the lateral decubitus position was significantly higher than the mean maximal diurnal sitting IOP. Over 20% of the patients had an IOP increase of ≥6mm Hg when lying down. Timely identification of patients with excessive postural elevation of IOP could affect their management and prevent visual fields loss.

Purpose: Evaluation of data obtained during diurnal intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements by means of the Goldmann Applanation tonometer in sitting and lateral decubitus positions.

Patients and Methods: Retrospective cohort study of 41 consecutive untreated subjects (82 eyes) with ocular hypertension or suspicious discs. The IOP was measured by Goldmann Applanation tonometer in sitting position at 9 AM, 12AM, 3PM, and 6 PM; and in right lateral decubitus position around 12:15 PM.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)541-546
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Glaucoma
Issue number8
StatePublished - 10 Dec 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Intraocular pressure
  • Lateral decubitus position
  • Lying position
  • Positional change
  • Pressure curves
  • Side-lying position


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