Interpretation of Temperature Surveys in Shallow Wells

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Near-surface thermal prospecting is based on temperature measurements in shallow (up to several meters depth) drill holes. Taking into account the differentiation of geological objects by their thermal properties, such temperature measurements contain useful information about features of the geological structures in the areas under investigation. It should be underlined that studying thermal parameters by oil-and-gas exploration often play a more important role than gravity, magnetic, and sometimes -- seismic investigations. At the same time, the noise caused by seasonal temperature variations and terrain relief effects may significantly distort the temperature field observed in the near-surface layer. The method is used to explore oil and gas pools, pyrite, urano-organic/uraninite ores, to trace fault or other discontinuities, and to solve other geological and geophysical problems. Despite measurements in the middle and deep wells where temperature observations are dependent on the drilling process, the near-surface measurements are independent investigation, which may be promptly conducted at any area. In the mid-1930s method of near-surface thermal prospecting was applied for the first time to study a faulted structure near Vintersweek, Netherlands (van den Bouwhuysen, 1934) and to study a salt stock near Hannover (Paul, 1935). These investigations may consider as the beginning of the application of near-surface thermal prospecting in petroleum geology. Investigation of the thermal field by hydrocarbon prospecting was continued later by many investigators (Selig and Wallick, 1966; Hutchins and Kading, 1969; Poley and Steveninck, 1979; Leschak and Lewis, 1983, etc.). Khesin and Eppelbaum (1994) suggested using a successive system of near-surface thermal data interpretation developed for complicated environments.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationApplied Geothermics for Petroleum Engineers
EditorsI.M. Kutasov
PublisherElsevier Science Ltd.
Number of pages21
ISBN (Print)0-444-82887-7, 9780080527321
StatePublished - 1999

Publication series

NameDevelopments in Petroleum Science


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