International Care programs for Pediatric Post-COVID Condition (Long COVID) and the way forward

Caroline L.H. Brackel*, Lieke C.E. Noij, Susanne J.H. Vijverberg, Camille L. Legghe, Anke H. Maitland-van der Zee, Johannes B. van Goudoever, Danilo Buonsenso, Daniel Munblit, Louise Sigfrid, Sammie McFarland, Lena Anmyr, Liat Ashkenazi-Hoffnung, Ana P.N. Bellinat, Nathália L.S. Dias, Amy Edwards, Tomini Fashina, Romana Gjergja Juraški, Ana L.N. Gonçalves, Edita Hansted, Vivien HerczegOlof Hertting, Lina N. Jankauskaite, Nastiti Kaswandani, Rimantas Kevalas, Péter Krivácsy, Michael Lorenz, Laura A. Malone, Molly McVoy, David W. Miller, Amanda K. Morrow, Manjula D. Nugawela, Carlos R. Oliveira, Pablo R.S. Oliveira, Ismael M. Osmanov, Isabella M. Overmars, Elijah Paintsil, Snehal M. Pinto Pereira, Yogi Prawira, Nina Dwi Putri, Regina C.F. Ramos, Marius Rasche, Malin Ryd-Rinder, Christina De Rose, Elmira Samitova, Tatjana Savić Jovanović, Daniela Say, Janet T. Scott, Iris Shachar-Lavie, Roz Shafran, Einat Shmueli, Ausra Snipaitiene, Terence Stephenson, Nikolett Ténai, Shidan Tosif, Mirjana Turkalj, Piero Valentini, Luydson R.S. Vasconcelos, Li Villard, Daniel Vilser, Simone Hashimoto, Suzanne W.J. Terheggen-Lagro

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Background: Pediatric Post-COVID-Condition (PPCC) clinics treat children despite limited scientific substantiation. By exploring real-life management of children diagnosed with PPCC, the International Post-COVID-Condition in Children Collaboration (IP4C) aimed to provide guidance for future PPCC care. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional international, multicenter study on used PPCC definitions; the organization of PPCC care programs and patients characteristics. We compared aggregated data from PPCC cohorts and identified priorities to improve PPCC care. Results: Ten PPCC care programs and six COVID-19 follow-up research cohorts participated. Aggregated data from 584 PPCC patients was analyzed. The most common symptoms included fatigue (71%), headache (55%), concentration difficulties (53%), and brain fog (48%). Severe limitations in daily life were reported in 31% of patients. Most PPCC care programs organized in-person visits with multidisciplinary teams. Diagnostic testing for respiratory and cardiac morbidity was most frequently performed and seldom abnormal. Treatment was often limited to physical therapy and psychological support. Conclusions: We found substantial heterogeneity in both the diagnostics and management of PPCC, possibly explained by scarce scientific evidence and lack of standardized care. We present a list of components which future guidelines should address, and outline priorities concerning PPCC care pathways, research and international collaboration. Impact: Pediatric Post-COVID Condition (PPCC) Care programs have been initiated in many countries. Children with PPCC in different countries are affected by similar symptoms, limiting many to participate in daily life. There is substantial heterogeneity in diagnostic testing. Access to specific diagnostic tests is required to identify some long-term COVID-19 sequelae. Treatments provided were limited to physical therapy and psychological support. This study emphasizes the need for evidence-based diagnostics and treatment of PPCC. The International Post-COVID Collaboration for Children (IP4C) provides guidance for guideline development and introduces a framework of priorities for PPCC care and research, to improve PPCC outcomes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)319-324
Number of pages6
JournalPediatric Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jul 2024
Externally publishedYes


FundersFunder number
National Institutes of HealthK23AI159518
Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationOPP1209135
Wellcome Trust215091/Z/18/Z
UK Research and InnovationCOVLT0022
Medical Research CouncilMR/P020372/1
National Institute for Health and Care Research
Department of Health and Social Care
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


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