Interaction of spatial solitons with a gapless stripe embedded into a Bragg-grating area

Thawatchai Mayteevarunyoo, Boris A. Malomed

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


We introduce a model in which the grating is absent in a finite-width stripe in the waveguide, thus creating a gapless channel in the gapped medium. Two semi-infinite grating separated by the plain stripe may have a relative phase shift. This system modifies the Bragg bandgap, creating intra-gap defect modes (DFs) which are pinned to the gapless channel. A DF solution in the linear system is found analytically. Further, numerical analysis of the full nonlinear system demonstrates that the shape and stability of Bragg solitons are also strongly affected by the presence of the gapless channel, and by the possible phase shift between the two semi-infinite gratings. In particular, asymmetric and flat-top solitons appear.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012023
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2014
Event3rd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, IC-MSQUARE 2014 - Madrid, Spain
Duration: 28 Aug 201431 Aug 2014


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