Institutional point-of-care glucometer identifies population trends in blood glucose associated with war

Mona Boaz*, Zipora Matas, Tova Chaimy, Zohar Landau, Yosefa Bar Dayan, Yitzhak Berlovitz, Julio Wainstein

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3 Scopus citations


Background: Acute physiological stress has been shown to impair glucose homeostasis. War is a period of acute psychological stress, and its effect on glucose control is unknown. In this study random point-of-care (POC) glucose levels were measured using an automated, institutional glucometer in hospitalized adult patients prior to versus during the Israeli Pillar of Defense campaign (November 7-10, 2012). Subjects and Methods: Random POC glucose values measured with the institutional blood glucose monitoring system were obtained 1 week prior to the Pillar of Defense campaign (November 7-10, 2012) and compared with values to those obtained during the first 4 days of the war (November 14-17, 2012). Results: In total, 3,573 POC glucose measures were included: 1,865 during the pre-war period and 1,708 during the campaign. POC glucose measures were significantly higher during the war compared with the week preceding the war: 9.7±4.7 versus 9.3±4.2 mmol/L (P=0.02). In a general linear model, period (pre-war vs. during war) persisted as a significant predictor of POC glucose even after controlling for age, sex, and department type (internal medicine vs. surgical). Conclusions: Acute stress, such as a wartime situation, is associated with a significant increase in random blood glucose values in a population of hospitalized adults. Long-term follow-up of the individuals hospitalized during these two periods can reveal differences in morbidity and mortality trends.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)964-967
Number of pages4
JournalDiabetes Technology and Therapeutics
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2013
Externally publishedYes


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