Initial impact parameter resolution of the new SLD vertex detector

N. B. Sinev*, J. E. Brau, K. Abe, A. A. Arodzero, C. Baltay, M. Breidenbach, P. N. Burrows, A. S. Chou, G. Crawford, C. J.S. Damerell, P. J. Dervan, D. N. Dong, W. Emmet, R. L. English, E. Etzion, R. Frey, M. Foss, G. Haller, K. Hasuko, S. S. HertzbachJ. Hoeflich, J. Huber, M. E. Huffer, D. J. Jackson, J. A. Jaros, J. Kelsey, I. Lee, V. Lia, A. L. Lintern, M. X. Liu, S. L. Manly, H. Masuda, A. K. McKemey, T. B. Moore, A. Nichols, T. Nagamine, N. Oishi, L. S. Osborne, J. J. Russell, D. Ross, V. V. Serbo, J. Sinnott, K. Skarpaas VIII, M. B. Smy, J. A. Snyder, M. G. Strauss, Su Dong, F. Suekane, F. E. Taylor, A. I. Trandafir, T. Usher, R. Verdier, S. J. Watts, E. R. Weiss, J. Yashima, H. Yuta, G. Zapalac

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


During 1996 the SLD collaboration completed the construction of, and began the operation of, a new vertex detector (VXD3). This detector, based on 96 CCD's each of 13 cm2 area, is an upgrade of the original vertex detector of SLD (VXD2), and is made possible by advances in the technology of CCD detectors. New front-end electronics and a new data acquisition system were developed for this upgrade. Its improved characteristics will enhance many SLD measurements, and open the possibility to observe Bso-mixing. More than 50 000 Z events obtained with the new vertex detector have been analyzed. Results on the new detector performance (including resolution evaluation) from this first data are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)243-246
Number of pages4
JournalNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Issue number1-3
StatePublished - 21 May 1998
Externally publishedYes


FundersFunder number
U.S. Department of Energy


    • Particle detector
    • Pixel detector
    • Vertex detector


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