Induction of candidicidal activity in mice by immunization with Candida albicans ribosomes

Ruth Levy*, Esther Segal

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5 Scopus citations


Mice immunized with ribosomes from Candida albicans are protected against experimental systemic candidiasis. In this study we investigated the candidacidal activity of spleen cells from immunized animals as measured by 51Cr release from pre-labelled yeast cells. It was found that the anti-candidal cytotoxic activity of splenocytes from immunized mice was significantly higher than that of spleen cells from non-immunized controls with various effector to target (E:T) ratios, but optimal results were obtained with an E:T ratio of 10:1. The cytotoxic activity of splenocytes as measured by the 51Cr release assay correlated well with the capacity of the cells to inhibit candidal growth as determined by quantitative plating. This candidacidal activity was not antibody dependent but increased killing was obtained by adding fresh (but not heat inactivated) mouse serum. The enhanced candidicidal activity was inhibited by removal of plastic- or nylon-adherent cells from the cell suspension but not by treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 serum and complement. The data indicate that a candidacidal cell population is induced in the spleens of animals immunized with C. albicans ribosomes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)213-217
Number of pages5
JournalFEMS Microbiology Letters
Issue number2-3
StatePublished - Sep 1986


  • Candida albicans
  • candidiasis
  • immunisation
  • ribosomes


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