Hysteroscopic management of retained products of conception: Meta-analysis and literature review

Noam Smorgick*, Oshri Barel, Noga Fuchs, Ido Ben-Ami, Moty Pansky, Zvi Vaknin

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85 Scopus citations


Objective Hysteroscopic removal of retained products of conception (RPOC) may allow complete removal of RPOC and decreased rates of intrauterine adhesions (IUA) when compared to the traditional blind curettage. The aim of this meta-analysis is to examine the current evidence regarding the use of hysteroscopy for treatment of RPOC. Study design A literature search was conducted in December 2012 using MEDLINE and ClinicalTrials. The study selection criteria were use of the standard hysteroscopic technique for removal of RPOC in 5 or more cases, in any study design. We reviewed 11 studies, of which 5 retrospective studies met the selection criteria (comprising 326 cases). The rates of incomplete RPOC removal, surgical complications, post-operative IUA and subsequent pregnancies were abstracted and weighted events rates using a fixed meta-analysis model were calculated. Results Only one study compared the rates of IUA following hysteroscopy and curettage, precluding a meta-analysis comparison of the two techniques. There were no cases of incomplete RPOC removal. Three perioperative complications occurred (uterine perforation, infection, and vaginal bleeding). IUA on follow-up hysteroscopy were found in 4/96 women (weighted rate of 5.7%, 95% CI 2.4%, 13.0%). Of the 120 women desiring a subsequent pregnancy 91 conceived (weighted rate of 75.3%, 95% CI 66.7%, 82.3%). Conclusions The lack of traditional curettage comparison groups in most studies precludes the conclusion that hysteroscopy is superior to traditional curettage, but this procedure does appear to have low complication rates, low rates of IUA, and high rates of subsequent pregnancies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-22
Number of pages4
JournalEuropean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Hysteroscopy
  • Retained products of conception


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