How and when do work stressors and peer norms impact career entrants’ alcohol-related behavior and its consequences?

Inbal Nahum-Shani, Jamie R.T. Yap, Peter A. Bamberger*, Mo Wang, Mary E. Larimer, Samuel B. Bacharach

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Do the key drivers of alcohol misuse change as young adults transition from early to late stages of employee onboarding? To answer this question, a series of hypotheses were tested based on two waves of data collected from 1240 college graduates from four different universities in the United States who reported obtaining full-time employment following college graduation. Data on alcohol misuse and hypothesized mechanisms—peer drinking norms and work-related stressors—were collected during the early (i.e. first few months on the job: T1) and late (12 months following initial assessment: T2) stages of employee onboarding. Results indicate that both a key work-related stressor (role overload) and injunctive peer drinking norms (i.e. those focusing on others’ approval) drive alcohol misuse in the transition from early to late stages of onboarding. However, while the relationships between injunctive peer drinking norms and alcohol misuse remain constant over the two measurement points, the mediated relationships between work-related stressors and alcohol misuse via distress is curvilinear and significantly weakens from early to late onboarding. We argue that this observed attenuation suggests that some risk factors can drive alcohol misuse in a way that is non-monotonic as well as dynamic over the course of emerging adults’ career entry.

Original languageEnglish
JournalHuman Relations
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


FundersFunder number
Tel Aviv University
Henry Crowne Institute for Business Research
Smithers Institute at Cornell University
Lanzillotti-McKethan Eminent Scholar EndowmentR01DA058996, R01 DA039901, P50 DA054039


    • alcohol misuse
    • college-to-work transition
    • newcomer socialization
    • peer drinking norms
    • work-related stress


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