High-energy phenomena, short-range nuclear structure and QCD

L. L. Frankfurt*, M. I. Strikman

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491 Scopus citations


A systematic review and theoretical analysis of the experimental data on multi GeV lepton, photon, hadron, deuteron (nucleus) reactions from nuclei forbidden in the case of scattering from free nucleons is presented. It is shown that all these data can be quantitatively described as a manifestation of short-range few nucleon correlations. Calculations for elastic and (deep)inelastic electromagnetic and weak form factors of the deuteron and other nuclei, are given. The inclusive production of leading particles in the nucleus fragmentation region in high-energy lepton, hadron or nucleus-induced collisions is analyzed. The straightforward correspondence between the Weinberg equation for the light-cone wave functions of the deuteron and the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation is found. It is shown that the predictions of quantum chromodynamics for short-distance phenomena in nuclei are in agreement both with experimental data and theoretical expectations due to short range correlations in nuclei. Several feasible experiments are considered which could establish the existence of relativistic nuclear physics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)215-347
Number of pages133
JournalPhysics Reports
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 1981
Externally publishedYes


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