Heritable somaclonal variation in wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum)

A. Breiman*, D. Rotem-Abarbanell, A. Karp, H. Shaskin

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

54 Scopus citations


Progenies of H. spontaneum plants regenerated from immature embryo derived calli were analysed for somaclonal variation on the following traits: (1) organization of the intergenic spacer of the rRNA genes; (2) B and C hordein pattern on SDS-PAGE; (3) genomic organization of the B and C hordein coding sequences; (4) mitochondrial DNA organization assayed by hybridization of Southern blots of total DNA with mitochondrial coding genes; (5) cytology. One out of twelve progeny plants was characterized as variant for two traits: (a) a loss of 1.8 and 2.5 kb Taq I intergenic rDNA spacer fragments and (b) a variant pattern of hordeins on 1-D SDS-PAGE. No numerical or structural chromosome variation was detected among the control plants therefore it is assumed that the variation was caused by the in vitro culture and transmitted, through sexual reproduction, to the analysed progeny.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)104-112
Number of pages9
JournalTheoretical And Applied Genetics
Issue number1
StatePublished - May 1987


  • Heritable somaclonal variation
  • Hordeins
  • Hordeum spontaneum
  • Intergenic spacer
  • Mitochondrial DNA
  • Ribosomal DNA


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