Healing of sites within the dog periodontal ligament after application of cold to the periodontal attachment apparatus

Haim Tap*, Avital Kozlovsky, Sandu Pitaru

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3 Scopus citations


Abstract The potential of periodontal ligament‐derived tissues to regenerate periodontal attachment after cryosurgical trauma to the PDL in dogs was evaluated. The buccal alveolar plate of each canine tooth was exposed by a semi‐lunar excision. A 3 mm thick cryoprobe, cooled to ‐81 °C, was placed on the bone 5 mm apical to the crest for 10 s. This induced cellular devitalization in the bone directly in contact with the probe and the PDL under it. The freezing‐thawing cycle was repeated 3 times. Control sites were sham‐operated at room temperature. Histologic sections from the center of the lesions were obtained from 1 h, 48 h and 30 d specimens. 1‐h control and experimental histologic sections were similar. At 48 h post‐surgery, the cellular component of the frozen PDL could not be identified and inflammatory response was minimal. The collagenous framework, however, appeared to form a continuum between the alveolar bone and cementum. Lacunae in the bone at the frozen segment were empty. The injured PDL was surrounded by normal PDL. Control specimens appeared normal. At 30 d, the PDL space in the frozen segments was populated by PDL‐like tissue which did not differ significantly from the PDL coronal or apical to it. Collagen fibers appeared to be attached to the cementum on one side and to the alveolar bone on the other. Bone resorption or ankylosis was not observed in the experimental sites. It is suggested that the extracellular matrix in the devitalized area was preserved, supporting regeneration of the cryolesion.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)543-547
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Clinical Periodontology
Issue number7
StatePublished - Aug 1991


  • cryosurgery
  • guided tissue regeneration
  • periodontal ligament


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