HDL-C levels and revascularization procedures in coronary heart disease patients treated with statins to target LDL-C levels

Avishay Elis*, David Pereg, Paul Froom, Michael Lishner, David Segev, Doron Hermoni

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3 Scopus citations


Background: A low level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) is a strong predictor for cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality at all low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations. Hypothesis: We evaluated this association in routine clinical practice among statin-treated coronary heart disease patients who achieved LDL-C target levels. This association also exists in routine clinical practice. Methods: A retrospective dynamic cohort included all male coronary heart disease patients of the Sharon-Shomron district, Clalit Health Services, Israel, with LDL-C levels <100 mg/dL and who were receiving statins (≥6 purchases/y) from January 1998 to June 2008. Data were collected on demographic variables; coexistence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and peripheral vascular diseases; details of revascularization procedures; and lipid levels. The outcome variable was revascularization procedure, by either percutaneous intervention or coronary artery bypass graft. Results: The study group of 909 male patients was stratified into quintiles, based on mean HDL-C levels: Q1 (n = 179): ≤26.4 mg/dL; Q2 (n = 190): 26.4-≥30.0 mg/dL; Q3 (n = 191): >30.0-≤34.0 mg/dL; Q4 (n = 186): ;gtcirc41.0 mg/dL; Q5 (n = 163): >41.0 mg/dL. During the study period, 307 (33.8%) of the cohort required ≥1 revascularization procedure. Those in the highest quintile underwent significantly fewer procedures (40.8% for Q1 vs 16.6% for Q5, P<0.001). This significant effect of the highest HDL-C quintile was not influenced by any variable. Conclusions: The protective effect of high HDL-C levels, regardless of other risk factors, in preventing revascularization procedures was confirmed in the routine clinical practice among statin-treated CHD patients who reached LDL-C level <100 mg/dL. Possible additional benefits of using agents to raise HDL-C levels should be investigated.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)572-576
Number of pages5
JournalClinical Cardiology
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2011


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