Haloperidol-induced potentiation of latent inhibition: Interaction with parameters of conditioning

C. Ruob, I. Weiner, J. Feldon*

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22 Scopus citations


If a stimulus (e.g. tone or light) is repeatedly pre-exposed without consequences, it subsequently shows retarded conditioning when paired with a reinforcer (e.g. footshock) compared with a non-pre-exposed stimulus. This is latent inhibition (LI). Haloperidol-treated animals show potentiated LI, and it has been suggested that this is due to retarded switching to respond according to the stimulus-reinforcer contingency. Recently, it has been argued that the slowed control of behaviour by the stimulus-reinforcement contingency is due to a haloperidol-induced decrease in the impact, or salience, of the reinforcer, and thus should be antagonized by increasing the impact of reinforcement. Two experiments tested this prediction. In both, LI was assessed using an off-baseline conditioned emotional response procedure in tats licking for water. In Experiment 1, rats were given 10 light pre- exposures and conditioned with two footshocks of either a low (0.5 mA) or a high (1 mA) intensity. In Experiment 2, rats were given 30 pre-exposures and conditioned with either two or five footshocks of 1 mA. In Experiment 1, no- drug controls did not show LI at both shock intensities. Haloperidol (0.1 mg/kg) was ineffective in potentiating LI at low-intensity shock, but produced LI when shock level was increased. In Experiment 2, no-drug controls showed LI with two but not five conditioning trials. Haloperidol was ineffective in potentiating LI with two conditioning trials, but produced LI with five conditioning trials. Although the effect of haloperidol on LI could thus be modified by manipulating shock intensity or the number of conditioning trials, the direction of such mOdification indicates that the potentiating effect of haloperidol on LI is not in general antagonized by increasing the impact of reinforcement.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)245-253
Number of pages9
JournalBehavioural Pharmacology
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1998


  • Dopamine
  • Haloperidol
  • Latent inhibition
  • Rat
  • Schizophrenia
  • Switching


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