Gibberellins accumulate in the elongating endodermal cells of Arabidopsis root

Eilon Shani, Roy Weinstain, Yi Zhang, Cristina Castillejo, Eirini Kaiserli, Joanne Chory, Roger Y. Tsien, Mark Estelle*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

170 Scopus citations


Plant hormones are small-molecule signaling compounds that are collectively involved in all aspects of plant growth and development. Unlike animals, plants actively regulate the spatial distribution of several of their hormones. For example, auxin transport results in the formation of auxin maxima that have a key role in developmental patterning. However, the spatial distribution of the other plant hormones, including gibberellic acid (GA), is largely unknown. To address this, we generated two bioactive fluorescent GA compounds and studied their distribution in Arabidopsis thaliana roots. The labeled GAs specifically accumulated in the endodermal cells of the root elongation zone. Pharmacological studies, along with examination of mutants affected in endodermal specification, indicate that GA accumulation is an active and highly regulated process. Our results strongly suggest the presence of an active GA transport mechanism that would represent an additional level of GA regulation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4834-4839
Number of pages6
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number12
StatePublished - 19 Mar 2013
Externally publishedYes


FundersFunder number
National Cancer InstituteR25CA153915


    • Ethylene
    • Fluorescent labeling
    • Hormone labeling
    • Root development
    • Root growth


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