Funders | Funder number |
Centre for Medical Systems Biology |
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development |
Australian Government |
Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum |
Welsh Assembly Government |
K.G. Jebsen Foundation |
FP7 projects IMAGEMEND |
Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure |
Federal State of Mecklenburg |
Aarhus Universitet |
Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas |
German Ministry of Cultural Affairs |
Lundbeckfonden |
National Institute for Health Research |
Stanley Foundation |
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft |
Max-Planck-Förderstiftung |
North Shore – Long Island Jewish Health System Foundation |
Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum |
Stanley Research Foundation |
Dr Einar Martens Fund |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
National Health and Medical Research Council |
Strategiske Forskningsråd |
Dutch Brain Foundation |
Seventh Framework Programme |
High Potential Grant Utrecht University |
Neuroscience Campus Amsterdam |
Universitetet i Bergen |
VU University’s Institutes for Health and Care Research |
Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development |
British Medical Association |
Donald and Barbara Zucker Foundation |
Janssen Research Foundation |
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs |
European Research Council |
Vetenskapsrådet |
NIHR Biomedical Research Center |
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Flagship Collaboration Fund |
ZonMw | R01 MH078075 |
ZonMw |
Seventh Framework Programme | 268800, 242257, 602805, 242167, 286213, MW904-61-193, 218251, 313010, MagW 480-04-004, NWO/SPI 56-464-14192, 51.02.060, HEALTH-F2-2010-241909, 241909, 115300, 230374, 602450, 279227, 278948, MaGW-nr 400-07-080, 668.772, 603016 |
Seventh Framework Programme |
Dementia Australia Research Foundation | P41 EB015922, R01NS080655, R01AG040060, R01 MH089722, U01 AG024904, R01MH085667, 568940, R01 MH097268, R01 MH094343, R01 EB008432 |
Dementia Australia Research Foundation |
National Institute of Mental Health | K01MH085812, R01MH061884, R01MH059566, R01MH060870, R01MH059565, K24MH094614, U01MH085520, RC2MH089964, R01MH060879, R01MH092380, R01MH041953, U01MH046289, R01MH052618, K23MH001760, R01MH059571, R01MH068921, K99MH102357, R01MH068922, R01MH089722, K01MH099232, RC2MH089951, RC2MH089995, R01MH078075, R01MH081802, R01MH071681, R01MH081800, U01MH046276, U01MH081928, P50MH080272, R01MH068881, U01MH046318, R01MH062276, R01MH062873, R01MH058693, R01MH059586, U01MH079469, R01MH059588, R01MH059587, R01MH094343, R01MH095034, R01MH077139, K01MH065580, R01MH097268, U01MH094421, U01MH109528, R01MH083094, R01MH084098, K99MH101367, R01MH061675, R01MH085542, R01MH067257, R01MH085667, ZIAMH002810, R01MH085548, R01MH100141, U01MH079470 |
National Institute of Mental Health |
Medical Research Council | MC_UU_12013/2, G0000934, MC_UU_12013/1, G0801418, G0901858, 93558, G0800509, G1100616, MR/L010305/1, MR/K026992/1, MR/L016400/1, MR/P005748/1 |
Medical Research Council |
National Center for Research Resources | U54RR020278, RR026075 |
National Center for Research Resources |
European Union-funded FP6 | LSHM-CT-2007-037286 |
EU-AIMS | 115300-2 |
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | R01NS080655 |
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke |
NHS Blood and Transplant | RP-PG-0310-1002, WTCCC-084710, R01 MH068881, R01 MH083094, R01 MH041953 |
NHS Blood and Transplant |
BiG Grid | 1750102007010, R01MH62873 |
Norges Forskningsråd | 217776, 223273, 213837 |
Norges Forskningsråd |
HelmholtzZentrum München | 568969, 350833, 03ZIK012 |
National Science Foundation | 1229450 |
National Science Foundation |
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung | 01GS08144, 01GS08147, 01ZX1314G, 01GS08148, 01ZX1314A, 01ZX1314C, 1EV0711 |
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung |
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering | P41EB015922, R01EB005846, R01EB008432, U54EB020403 |
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering |
Australian Research Council | 310667, 1045325, 401162 |
Australian Research Council |
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek | 480-05-003, 10-000-1002 |
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek |
National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression | MH001760, MH065580 |
National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression |
University of New South Wales | 525453 |
University of New South Wales |
National Institute on Aging | U24AG021886, R01AG033193, U01AG024904, R01AG040060, R01AG054076, R01AG008122 |
National Institute on Aging |
National Institutes of Health | R01D0042157-01A |
National Institutes of Health |
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | R01HD050735 |
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development |
Exzellenz-Stiftung of the Max Planck Society | FKZ 01GS0481 |
University of Melbourne | 401184 |
University of Melbourne |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | GR 1912/5-1 |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft |
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme | 692145 |
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme |
Wellcome Trust | 076113/C/04/Z, 068545/Z/0 |
Wellcome Trust |
Autism Speaks | 01ZZ0403, FT110100548, 486682, 389875, FT0991634, 619667, R01 HD050735, 01ZZ9603, 01ZZ0103, 1009064 |
Autism Speaks |
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | R01DK075787 |
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases |
Massachusetts General Hospital Executive Committee on Research | MH085542, K99 MH101367, MH071681, MH085548, MH061884 |
South-East Norway Health Authority | 2013-123 |
National Institutes of Health | R01MH084098, R01MH085542, P50MH080272 |
National Institutes of Health |