Generation of tightly compressed solitons with a tunable frequency shift in Raman-free fibers

Rodislav Driben*, Boris A. Malomed

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7 Scopus citations


Optimization of the compression of input N-solitons into robust ultra-narrow fundamental solitons, with a tunable up- or downshifted frequency, is proposed in photonic crystal fibers free of the Raman effect. Due to the absence of the Raman self-frequency shift, these fundamental solitons continue propagation, maintaining the acquired frequency, once separated from the input N soliton's temporal slot. A universal optimal value of the relative strength of the third-order dispersion is found, providing the strongest compression of the fundamental soliton is found. It depends only on the order of the injected N-soliton. The largest compression degree significantly exceeds the analytical prediction supplied by the Satsuma-Yajima formula. The mechanism behind this effect, which remains valid in the presence of the self-steepening, is explained.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3623-3626
Number of pages4
JournalOptics Letters
Issue number18
StatePublished - 15 Sep 2013


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