Generalized Gaussian quadrature formulas

Borislav D. Bojanov*, Dietrich Braess, Nira Dyn

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Existence and uniqueness of canonical points for best L1-approximation from an Extended Tchebycheff (ET) system, by Hermite interpolating "polynomials" with free nodes of preassigned multiplicities, are proved. The canonical points are shown to coincide with the nodes of a "generalized Gaussian quadrature formula" of the form ∫bau(t) σ(t)sign ∏ i=1 n (t-xi)vidt≉ ∑ i=1 n ∑ j=0 ν1-2 aiju(j)(xi) + ∑ j=0 ν0-1 a0ju(j)(a)+ ∑ j=0 νn+1-1 an+1ju(j)(b), (*) which is exact for the ET-system. In (*), ∑j = 0vi - 2 ≡ 0 if vi = 1, the vi (> 0), i = 1,..., n, are the multiplicities of the free nodes and v0≥0, vn + 1≥ 0 of the boundary points in the L1-approximation problem, ∑i = 0n + 1 vi is the dimension of the ET-system, and σ is the weight in the L1-norm. The results generalize results on multiple node Gaussian quadrature formulas (v1,..., vn all even in (*)) and their relation to best one-sided L1-approximation. They also generalize results on the orthogonal signature of a Tchebycheff system (v0 = vn + 1 = 0, vi = 1, i = 1,..., n, in (*)), and its role in best L1-approximation. Recent works of the authors were the first to treat Gaussian quadrature formulas and orthogonal signatures in a unified way.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)335-353
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Approximation Theory
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 1986


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