Further studies of the photoproduction of isolated photons with a jet at HERA

The ZEUS collaboration

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Abstract: In this extended analysis using the ZEUS detector at HERA, the photoproduction of isolated photons together with a jet is measured for different ranges of the fractional photon energy, xγmeas, contributing to the photon-jet final state. Cross sections are evaluated in the photon transverse-energy and pseudorapidity ranges 6 < ETγ< 15 GeV and −0.7 < ηγ< 0.9, and for jet transverse-energy and pseudorapidity ranges 4 < ETjet< 35 GeV and −1.5 < ηjet< 1.8, for an integrated luminosity of 374 pb−1. The kinematic observables studied comprise the transverse energy and pseudorapidity of the photon and the jet, the azimuthal difference between them, the fraction of proton energy taking part in the interaction, and the difference between the pseudorapidities of the photon and the jet. Higher-order theoretical calculations are compared to the results.

Original languageEnglish
Article number23
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2014


FundersFunder number
Science and Technology Facilities CouncilST/M001415/1, ST/H001026/1, ST/K001426/1, ST/K00137X/1, ST/H001026/2


    • Lepton-Nucleon Scattering
    • Photon production
    • QCD


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