Functional connectivity dynamics during film viewing reveal common networks for different emotional experiences

Gal Raz, Alexandra Touroutoglou, Christine Wilson-Mendenhall, Gadi Gilam, Tamar Lin, Tal Gonen, Yael Jacob, Shir Atzil, Roee Admon, Maya Bleich-Cohen, Adi Maron-Katz, Talma Hendler, Lisa Feldman Barrett*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

73 Scopus citations


Recent theoretical and empirical work has highlighted the role of domain-general, large-scale brain networks in generating emotional experiences. These networks are hypothesized to process aspects of emotional experiences that are not unique to a specific emotional category (e.g., “sadness,” “happiness”), but rather that generalize across categories. In this article, we examined the dynamic interactions (i.e., changing cohesiveness) between specific domain-general networks across time while participants experienced various instances of sadness, fear, and anger. We used a novel method for probing the network connectivity dynamics between two salience networks and three amygdala-based networks. We hypothesized, and found, that the functional connectivity between these networks covaried with the intensity of different emotional experiences. Stronger connectivity between the dorsal salience network and the medial amygdala network was associated with more intense ratings of emotional experience across six different instances of the three emotion categories examined. Also, stronger connectivity between the dorsal salience network and the ventrolateral amygdala network was associated with more intense ratings of emotional experience across five out of the six different instances. Our findings demonstrate that a variety of emotional experiences are associated with dynamic interactions of domain-general neural systems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)709-723
Number of pages15
JournalCognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2016


FundersFunder number
FP7 Health Cooperation Work Program602186
Israeli Defense Forces Medical Corps
National Institutes of Health
U.S. Department of DefenseW81XWH-11-2-0008
National Institute on AgingR01 AG030311-06A1, 1S10RR023043, 1S10RR019307, 1S10RR023401
NIH Office of the DirectorDP1OD003312
National Center for Research Resources
University of Chicago


    • Amygdala
    • Emotions
    • Network cohesion
    • Stimulus-induced functional connectivity


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