Feasibilty of underground storages for fuel distillates in soft rock formations above aquifers (in Israel)

J. Vered-Weiss, A. Flexer

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The results of geotechnical feasibility investigations all over Israel, indicate that Eocene formations (chalk and silicified chalk) offer the most suitable properties, as being the potential rock for underground storage for distillates. Explorations included preliminary geological survey, core drillings, a wide spectrum of laboratory tests and a trial excavation in chalk with a volume of 20,000 cubic meters. The microporosity of the chalk establishes the need for impermeabilization. The paper discusses the problem and possible solutions for the construction of an impermeabilised underground fuel products long term storage.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 1979
Event20th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, USRMS 1979 - Austin, United States
Duration: 4 Jun 19796 Jun 1979


Conference20th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, USRMS 1979
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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