Factors affecting emigration intentions in the diaspora population: The case of Russian Jews

Eugene Tartakovsky*, Eduard Patrakov, Marina Nikulina

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12 Scopus citations


The present study formulated a new theoretical model predicting emigration intentions in diaspora populations and tested it among Jews living in Russia. The study sample consisted of Jews and their relatives living in the vicinity of five large cities in Russia (n = 824). The results obtained demonstrated that a more negative attitude toward the country of residence and a more positive attitude toward the historical homeland were associated with stronger emigration intentions. A higher preference for the self-enhancement values and a lower preference for the conservation values were associated with stronger emigration intentions. The effect of the self-enhancement values on emigration intentions was complex: while their direct effect was positive, their indirect effect (through attitude toward Russia) was negative. The effect of the conservation values on emigration intentions was indirect (through attitudes toward Russia and Israel). Perceived socioeconomic conditions in the country of residence affected emigration intentions indirectly, through attitude toward Russia, whereby a higher level of perceived discrimination and a lower level of perceived economic conditions were associated with a less positive attitude toward Russia and stronger emigration intentions. Jewish identification also affected emigration intentions indirectly, through its positive connection with attitude toward Israel. Age negatively affected emigration intentions, both directly and indirectly (through its effect on values and perceived economic conditions). Religiosity and family ethnic composition affected emigration intentions indirectly, whereby a lower level of religiosity and a higher proportion of Jewish relatives in the family were associated with stronger emigration intentions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-67
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Intercultural Relations
StatePublished - Jul 2017


FundersFunder number
Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry


    • Attitude toward the country of residence
    • Attitude toward the historical homeland
    • Emigration intentions
    • Ethnic identification
    • Perceived discrimination
    • Perceived economic conditions
    • Personal value preferences
    • Russian Jews


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