Fabrication of coaxial metal nanocables using a self-assembled peptide nanotube scaffold

Ohad Carny, Deborah E. Shalev, Ehud Gazit*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

217 Scopus citations


The design and fabrication of complex nanostructures with specific geometry and composition is one of the main challenges of nanotechnology. Here we demonstrate the devise of metal-insulator-metal, trilayered, coaxial nanocables. Such coaxial geometry may give rise to useful and unique electromagnetic properties. We have fabricated these nanostructures using a scaffold of self-assembled peptide nanotubes. Gold nanoparticles were bound to the surface of peptide nanotubes via a common molecular recognition element that was included in various linker peptides. This enabled us to promote site-specific metal reduction and to create the coaxial nanostructure. Using electron microscopy, 1H NMR spectra, and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, we monitored the different steps within the process, gaining further understanding of its mechanism.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1594-1597
Number of pages4
JournalNano Letters
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2006


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