Evaluation of solvent/detergent treated plasma in the management of patients with hereditary and acquired coagulation disorders

A. Inbal*, O. Epstein, D. Blickstein, N. Kornbrot, B. Brenner, U. Martinowitz

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

46 Scopus citations


Haemostatic efficacy and pharmacokinetic analysis of solvent/detergent (S/D) treated, virus inactivated plasma (Octaplas®, Germany) was evaluated in eight patients with hereditary factor VII, X and XI deficiency and in three patients with acquired coagulation disorders due to liver disease. The patients received the S/D plasma for treatment of haemarthrosis, menorrhagia or before surgical procedures. In all the patients the S/D plasma was sufficient to prevent or stop bleeding. Side effects included urticaria (one patient) and moderate anaphylactoid reaction (one patient). No evidence of plasma-born viral infections was observed up to 12 months after the treatment (95% confidence limits 0-22%). Calculated mean half-life of coagulation factors VII, X and XI was 4.36 h, 49.21 h and 44.5 h, respectively, similar to that observed with fresh-frozen plasma. Because of retained coagulation factor integrity and improved viral safety, S/D plasma could be considered a superior alternative to standard fresh-frozen plasma.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)599-604
Number of pages6
JournalBlood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1993
Externally publishedYes


  • coagulation factor deficiency
  • efficacy
  • solvent/detergent fresh frozen plasma


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