Evaluation of prosthetic usage in upper limb amputees

I. Dudkiewicz*, R. Gabrielov, I. Seiv-Ner, G. Zelig, M. Heim

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

123 Scopus citations


Purpose: Upper limb amputations cause severe functional disability and lower the patient's self body image, with severe psychological implications. Many parameters are involved in the successful rehabilitation of upper limb amputations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there are any parameters that might predict the successful prosthetic rehabilitation of upper limb amputees. Method: The records of 45 patients who had undergone an upper limb amputation were traced. The patients were evaluated according to four parameters: (1) Modified upper extremities amputees' questionnaire; (2) Pain level according to Visual Analog Scale (VAS), range from 1 (lowest) up to 10 (highest); (3) Pain type - phantom or pain in the stump; (4) Functional assessment of prosthetic usage. Results: Thirty (71.43%) of the patients reported difficulties with prosthesis usage. Twenty-three patients (54.76%) were satisfied with their prosthesis - 19 had cosmetic prosthesis and four had body-powered prosthesis. Conclusion: No significant affect of the amputation level except for trans-wrist amputation with 100% prosthesis use. No significant difference was found between prosthesis type and the correlation to stump problems. The above-elbow amputees, with dominant hand amputation, who used functional prosthesis (body-powered), achieved the best functional outcome and result.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)60-63
Number of pages4
JournalDisability and Rehabilitation
Issue number1
StatePublished - 7 Jan 2004


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