Error-trellises for convolutional codes-part i: Construction

Meir Ariel*, Jakov Snyders

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11 Scopus citations


An error-trellis is a directed graph that represents all the sequences belonging to the coset which contains the synibolby-symbol detected version of a given received sequence. A modular construction of error-trellises for an (re, k) convolutional code over GF(g) is presented. The trellis is designed on the basis of partitioning the scalar check matrix of the code into submatrices of I rows, accompanied with a corresponding segmentation of the syndrome. The value of the design parameter I is an essentially unconstrained multiple of n -k. For all the cosets of the code, the sections of the error-trellis are drawn from a collection of only q1 modules; the module for each section is determined by the value of the associated syndrome segment. In case the construction is based on a basic polynomial check matrix, either canonical or noncanonical, then the error-trellis is minimal in the sense that a < fi, where a is the dimension of the state space of the trellis and fi is the constraint length of a canonical generator matrix for the code. For basic check matrices with delay-free columns, the inequality reduces to a -\i,.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1592-1601
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Transactions on Communications
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1998


  • Convolutional codes
  • Error-trellis
  • Minimal trellis


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