ERME column: Introducing CERME Thematic Working Group 13 – Early Years Mathematics

Bożena Maj-Tatsis, Esther Levenson

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Thematic Working Group 13 was established in 2009 at CERME6 and focuses on the mathematics learning of 2–8-year-olds. Learning may take place in (pre-)kindergarten, primary school, and other less formal settings. Therefore, the group focuses on how mathematics is approached implicitly and explicitly by children, teachers, and other responsible adults. A wide range of topics is covered in TWG13, spanning different areas of mathematics and different theoretical and methodological approaches. This wide span is a characteristic feature of TWG13, and one that has been documented at other conferences as well (e.g., the POEM⁠1⁠ conferences, see [⁠6⁠]). See also [⁠8⁠]. In the next section we present some of the theoretical underpinnings of the papers that have been accepted for presentation in TWG13 over the years.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)50–52
Number of pages3
JournalEuropean Mathematical Society Magazine
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2023


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