Endonasal geometry changes in elderly people: Acoustic rhinometry measurements

Limor Muallem Kalmovich*, David Elad, Uri Zaretsky, Abraham Adunsky, Angela Chetrit, Siegal Sadetzki, Samuel Segal, Michael Wolf

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34 Scopus citations


Background. Skeletal nasal changes in elderly people have been extensively investigated, but data on variation of the endonasal architecture with age do not exist. We evaluated endonasal parameters in an elderly population as compared with those in a young group. Methods. Acoustic rhinometry measurements were performed on 165 participants in the age range of 20-93 years. The rhinograms provided the endonasal volume from the nostril entrance to a 7.0 cm cephalic point (V0-7) and the minimal cross-sectional areas (MCA1 and MCA2). Statistical analysis was performed by Pearson correlation and one-way analysis of variance, using age as a continuous or categorical variable. Results. There was no statistical difference in gender distribution within each age group. The results obtained for the left and right nostrils were similar. Endonasal volume V0-7 and the narrowing areas MCA1 and MCA2 significantly increase with age, except for men over 80 years in which a relative decrease was observed. Conclusion. Acoustic rhinometry examination of the endonasal architecture in a healthy young and elderly population demonstrated a gradual increase of endonasal volumes and minimal cross-sectional areas with age.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)396-398
Number of pages3
JournalJournals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2005


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