Effects of various modalities of oral furosemide administration in mild or severe congestive heart failure

Natan Cohen*, Victor Dishi, Ronit Zaidenstein, Stefan Soback, Joshua Weissgarten, Zhan Averbukh, Marina Gips, Alex Blatt, Silvia Berman, David Modai, Ahuva Golik

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Background: This study evaluated the optimal formulation (tablet vs solution) and frequency (once vs twice daily) of maintenance oral furosemide in compensated congestive heart failure (CHF). Methods and Results: Eighteen patients with mild (group 1) and 18 with severe (group 2) CHF were studied. On 2 consecutive days each patient's individual fixed oral furosemide daily dosage was administered in tablet or solution in a crossover design. In an additional study. 14 patients with severe CHF received the daily dosage in tablet or solution form in two divided doses. Pharmacokinetic data were obtained in six randomly allocated patients of each group, during the once daily administration periods of either formulation. Twenty-four-hour urinary sodium and 12-hour volume were significantly greater in group 1 following furosemide solution versus tablets. In group 2, all parameters were comparable in response to single identical doses in tablets or solution. as well as to once versus twice daily administration of either formulation. These results coincided with a higher Cmax and a shorter tmax following solution. Conclusions: A once-daily oral furosemide solution is more effective than the same dosage in tablet form in patients with mild, but not those with severe, CHF. In patients with severe CHF. the natriuretic and diuretic effects are similar whether oral furosemide in tablet or solution is administered in a once or twice daily schedule.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)271-278
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1996


  • Congestive heart failure
  • Furosemide solution
  • Furosemide tablets


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