Effects of prenatal exposure to γ rays on circling and activity behavior in prepubertal and postpubertal rats

Matti Mintz, Ariela Gigi, Dafna Shohami, Michael S. Myslobodsky*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


The study departs from the finding that postural asymmetries in low- weight female neonates are greatly increased following prenatal lesions inflicted by γ irradiation at day 15. Given that amphetamine-induced rotation in adult rats could be predicted by their infantile axial asymmetry we expected a greater tendency for circling in rats exposed at day 15. To examine this prediction, Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to a single dose of y radiation at 1.5 Gy with a dose-rate of 0.15 Gy/min. The dose was delivered on one of the embryonic days (E15, 17 or 19) throughout the whole body of pregnant dams. Sham prenatal exposure of controls consisted of placing pregnant rats in the same environment for 10 min. All rats were tested during the active part of the circadian cycle. At postnatal day 27 (P27) exposed pups did not differ in rates of either spontaneous or d-amphetamine-induced circling from the shams. At P57, in keeping with our prediction, E15 rats manifested enhanced rotation and higher net asymmetry. However, E17 also showed higher gyration tendency compared to their shams while exposed E19 rats did not differ from their shams. The role of intrinsic DAergic imbalance presumably sharpened by irradiation at E15 and of neocortical deficit inflicted at E15 and E17 are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)45-51
Number of pages7
JournalBehavioural Brain Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 1998


FundersFunder number
Theodore and Vada Stanley Foundation


    • Activity
    • Asymmetry
    • Prenatal
    • Rotation
    • Sprague-Dawley rat
    • γ Irradiation


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