title = "Effects of momentum nonequilibrium on flame propagation and extinction in the presence of inert particles",
abstract = "Numerical simulations of premixed gas flame moving in the presence of inert particles are presented. This paper provides background information concerning the use of numerical methods employed that allow for elucidation of the effect of particles on the structure, dynamics and extinction of a premixed flame evolving in a closed planar channel. The results obtained for zero-gravity and full-gravity are compared. An essential element is a comparison of (suitably defined) burning velocities as obtained using numerical simulation and asymptotic formula obtained previously. In contrast to the zero-gravity case, the full-gravity results display an interesting feature: a flame propagating upward through falling particles may abruptly extinguish provided the particles are large enough.",
author = "Makhviladze, {G. M.} and Melikhov, {O. I.} and Roberts, {J. P.} and Sivashinsky, {G. I.}",
note = "Funding Information: undergoeas markedi ncreaseT. he effect is Criticalp arametefros r variousv alueso f the attributetdo particlein ducedm icroturbulence externalf orce and particless' ize have been and has not yet beena nalyzedth eoreticallIyt. evaluated. seemsp lausibleto expectth att hee ffects hould be observedm ainlyf or sufficientllya rgep arti-The researchasbeensupportebdythe U.S. clesw heret hereis an appreciablgea pb etween Departmenotf Energy under Grant No. DE- the velocityo f the aprticlesa ndg asf lowveloc-FGO288ER 13822, by the National Science ity. The differencein velocitiesc an inducea FoundationunderGrantNo.CTS 9521084a,nd vortexw ake after each particlet hatperturbs by the U.K. EngineeringandPhysicalSciences the flames tructurea nd therebym ayenhance ResearchCounciul nderGrantGsR/J85035and burningr ate. GR / K13486. The systematiinc corporatioann da nalysios f the microflowe ffecti s a challengintgh eoreti- cal problems till to be addressed.",
year = "1996",
month = aug,
doi = "10.1016/0010-2180(95)00262-6",
language = "אנגלית",
volume = "106",
pages = "333--344",
journal = "Combustion and Flame",
issn = "0010-2180",
publisher = "Elsevier Inc.",
number = "3",