Effective technology integration for disabled children: the family perspective

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Effective Technology: Integration for Disabled Children: The Family Perspective explores microcomputer-based special education intervention programs aimed at advancing mildly handicapped children and empowering their parents. The book applies the stress, resources and coping model to families with disabled children, examining specific components of the pro§ posed model through family surveys and studies, and presenting future directions for research and experimentation. The book also offers an overview of the research related to effective integration of computers into the special education system, with particular attention to a cognitive approach to skill development through various software programs. Effective Technol§ ogy: Integration For Disabled Children is intended for researchers and practitioners in a wide range of fields interested in family research and parent-empowering interventions as well as for those involved in technology integration within special education contexts.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNew York
Number of pages226
ISBN (Electronic)9781461390060
ISBN (Print)9780387972565, 9781461390084, 0387972560
StatePublished - 1990

ULI Keywords

  • uli
  • Children with disabilities -- Education -- Data processing -- Case studies
  • Computer-assisted instruction
  • CAI (Computer-assisted instruction)
  • Computer-aided instruction
  • Computer-assisted learning
  • Computer based instruction
  • Computer-enhanced learning
  • Electronic data processing in programmed instruction
  • Microcomputer-aided instruction
  • Microcomputer-assisted instruction
  • Microcomputer-assisted learning
  • Microcomputer-based instruction
  • Teaching -- Data processing -- Computer-assisted instruction
  • ILSs (Integrated learning systems)
  • Integrated learning systems


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