Earthquake related scald injuries - Experience from the IDF field hospital in Duzce, Turkey

D. D. Ad-El*, D. Engelhard, Y. Beer, I. Dudkevitz, P. Benedeck

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


On the evening of November 12th, 1999, earthquakes stroke the area of Duzce and Bolu in the northwestern part of Turkey. The local medical system, still not recovered completely from the August earthquake, suffered severe damage. An Israeli field hospital was sent to the area to help cope with the earthquake trauma and replace the damaged medical system until it recovered. During the eight days of its active duty, approximately 40 burn patients were seen. Most of the burns were deep partial scald burns of the lower extremity, caused by hot water spill during the quake. Two massive burns were referred to burn centers and the rest were treated either as outpatients, or admitted and underwent daily dressing changes under sedation. All burns improved, and some healed during the hospital's stay in Duzce. Some of the burns needed further skin grafting. Upon disassembling the hospital the burn patients were referred to the recovered local medical system and one child was transferred to continue burn treatment in Israel. The circumstances of evening earthquake and non-industrialized area expressed a new post-earthquake burn syndrome: multiple scald burns due to hot liquid spills. It seems that most of the patients suffering those burns could be treated successfully as outpatients with close follow up.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)401-403
Number of pages3
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2001
Externally publishedYes


  • Burns
  • Earthquake
  • Scald


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