Disparities Between Prenatal Ultrasound and Autopsy Findings in Pregnancies Resulting in Fetal Loss

Eliel Kedar Sade*, Daniel Lantsberg, Moriel Tagar Sar-el, Sheizaf Gefen, Eldad Katorza

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Objectives: This retrospective study aimed to assess disparities between prenatal ultrasound and autopsy findings in pregnancies that resulted in fetal loss, and to evaluate the diagnostic performance of prenatal ultrasound using postmortem examinations as a gold standard. Methods: Our study included 136 autopsy cases following a fetal loss that occurred at our tertiary medical center for 8 years. A comparison between the prenatal ultrasound and autopsy findings was made, and all cases were classified according to the degree of agreement. The diagnostic performance of prenatal ultrasound was calculated at the level of organ system and specific malformations. Results: The primary sonographic diagnosis was confirmed in 91.9% of the cases (n = 125). General agreement was highest among central nervous system (CNS), cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems (85.7%, n = 36, 18, and 12, respectively) and lowest among facial, multiple anomalies, genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems (50.0%, 74.3%, 78.6%, and 80.0%, n = 2, 26, 11, and 4, respectively). The sensitivity of ultrasound was highest in the CNS (93.2%) and musculoskeletal (87.0%) and lowest in the facial (32.3%) and pulmonary (13.0%) systems. Specifically, low diagnostic rates were noted in detecting ventriculomegaly, valvular anomalies, renal dysplasia, spleen and adrenal anomalies, and digital and facial defects. Conclusions: Our study observed an overall high agreement between prenatal ultrasound and autopsy while contributing to our comprehensive understanding of its strengths and limitations across various types of organ systems and specific malformations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)455-465
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Ultrasound in Medicine
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2024


  • autopsy
  • fetal ultrasound
  • malformations
  • prenatal diagnosis


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