Dentinal hypersensitivity

M. Steinkeller-Dekel*, A. Smidt, R. Pilo

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1 Scopus citations


Dentinal hypersensitivity is defined as short and transient painful response of exposed dentin, usually cervical, to different stimuli, such as thermal, mechanical osmotic or chemical. The etiology of dentinal hypersensitivity is open tubules (because of enamel loss or gingival recession), allowing painful stimulus to reach the pulp. The hydrodynamic theory explains the mechanism through which pain is aroused. When treating dentinal hypersensitivity, dentists always have to rule out other pathologies, such as carries, leakage, postoperative sensitivity, cracked tooth etc., and only then assess pain intensity and treat the tooth. Treatment always starts with prevention of both stimulus and exposure of dentin, and reducing predisposing factors. The treatment options include OTC products, such as fluoride and/or potassium enriched mouth washes and dentifrices, or in-office treatments, such as high content fluoride varnishes and gels, potassium oxalate chelating agents, Glutaraldehyde containing tissue fixating agents, bonding materials, low viscosity glass ionomers and even non-conservative treatments such as root canal therapy or mucogingival surgical interventions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27-34, 74
JournalRefuat Hapeh Vehashinayim
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2010


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