Demonstration of endogenous "imipramine like" material in rat brain

Moshe Rehavi*, Ilana Ventura, Yosef Sarne

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

37 Scopus citations


The extraction and partial purification of an endogenous "imipramine-like" material from rat brain is described. The endogenous factor obtained after gel filtration and silica chromatography inhibits [3H] imipramine specific binding and mimics the inhibitory effect of imipramine on [3H] serotonin uptake in both brain and platelet preparations. The effects of the endogenous material are dose-dependent and it inhibits [3H] imipramine binding in a competitive fashion. The factor is unevenly distributed in the brain with high concentration in the hypothalamus and low concentration in the cerebellum.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)687-693
Number of pages7
JournalLife Sciences
Issue number7
StatePublished - 18 Feb 1985


FundersFunder number
Basic Research Foundation of Tel Avlv University
Schrelber Foundation


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