Decay modes of analog states studied by the (He3,dp) reaction

G. Finkel*, D. Ashery, A. I. Yavin, A. Boudard, G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, M. Rouger

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25 Scopus citations


The (He3,dp) reaction was studied at 30-MeV bombarding energy on Ni60, Ni62, and Zr90. Protons were detected in coincidence with deuterons at various angles, in and out of the reaction plane. Angular correlations were measured between the deuterons populating analog states and the protons associated with the decay of the analog states to several states in the final nucleus. Spectroscopic information is derived from the analysis of the measured angular correlations on ten analog states: three in Cu61, four in Cu63, and three in Nb91. NUCLEAR REACTIONS Ni60,62, Zr90(He3,dp), E=30.2 MeV; measured coincidence (Ed, Ep, p). Deduce spectroscopic information IAS in Cu61,63, Nb91. Enriched targets. Calculate angular correlation function.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1782-1793
Number of pages12
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1979


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